So this morning got off to a rough start, my son called me and let me know that my daughter who is bipolar was spiraling. She has had a rough few years. She has struggled so much since her mother passed away. She got herself into an emotionally abusive relationship. Now she is watching her step father who lives with her slowly die. He has heart failure and cancer.
As her father it breaks my heart to see her suffer. Also, struggle with the times that I let her down. It also sends me flashbacks into when her mother would go into these phases. For a moment last weekend I saw her mother as she was spiraling.
I am struggling with the need to help her, but also take care of myself. Her best friend since fifth grade has been by her side as has her brother. That takes a load off of me. But still there is that pain of watching her struggle.
This comes as I am struggling with my faith as a Christian. I have watched the people who sing about the love and God and how he loves everyone on Sunday, embrace a man who does nothing but spread fear and hate. Why bother pretending on Sunday if this is what you are embracing? How can there be both love and hate?
So yeah, having a rough Sunday. I hope it gets better.