Today is my dad’s 82nd birthday. I have been really blessed to have him for a father.
My dad is one of the most patient people I know. I should know as I tested it many times. My niece made a comment on holiday that she had never seen my dad upset, that he was like a rock. I immediately replied that I had seen him rather upset. Dad looked up at me and cocked his head and asked when. I reminded him of the first time I got behind the wheel of a car as a teen. He started chuckling and had to agree. My niece could not believe it.
Dad never spent a lot of time lecturing me on how to be a man. Rather, he lived it. He worked hard to provide for our family. Dad is an accountant. He would work at his regular job, then would do books and taxes for people on the side at home. He grew a garden every year.
It was as common to see my dad reading the Bible as it was a newspaper. He has always been active in the church. His calm demeanor showed his faith. You have never had to ask my dad if he was a christian. If you were around him any time at all, it became obvious. He is kind and respectful to everyone. He loves his family, even when we make choices that he disagrees with.
Yes I am thankful to have him for a father!